joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for the 'tech' Category

Level of fame rising logarithmically… Joeware tool CPAU considered virus by the great minds at McAfee!

by @ Friday, April 14th, 2006. Filed under tech

Ok so that is a bad title… really bad but I am an in an extremely humorous mood. First it is friday, second my morning was much better than average, third I had a blast driving around the last two days, fourth I am going to Virginia next week for work and will be able […]

Active Directory Third Edition Scripts finally available for download

by @ Wednesday, April 12th, 2006. Filed under tech

Robbie beat me to the punch and scraped the scripts from AD3E out of the Word docs and has posted them on his site with the scripts from the other edition as well as the other O’Reilly books with scripts. You can find them here If you just want to buy the book because […]

Vista thoughts.

by @ Monday, April 10th, 2006. Filed under tech

As mentioned in passing previously I installed Vista on my HP AMD 64 bit Laptop, build 5308 (yes I know it is out of date, I am downloading 5342 as I write this) and it was slow slow slow slow. In fact, I thought the darn thing had hung on me when I didn’t see […]

Virtual Server 2003 R2 Upgrade

by @ Monday, April 10th, 2006. Filed under tech

Questions to Microsoft:  1. When I upgraded Virtual Server 2003 to Virtual Server 2003 R2 why did I have to upgrade the Virtual Machine additions individually on each and every single guest? Shouldn’t it have been enough to say, upgrade all of these for me?  2. Why did it take two reboots?   Rating 3.00 […]

Hurray! Or maybe not.

by @ Wednesday, April 5th, 2006. Filed under tech

Apple unveils software to run Windows XP… Hurray… oh wait… Isn’t that called dual boot and hasn’t that been available for like YEARS and YEARS and YEARS now? What’s different? Oh yeah… Apple actually runs on Intel now. Very impressive. Umm no. Not sure where the excitement is there, Apple can now do what people […]

Print this and insert into Chapter 26

by @ Tuesday, April 4th, 2006. Filed under tech

While working on an ACL coding issue I realized that there was some info that I had intended to put into chapter 26 of Active Directory Third Edition that I seem to have spaced on and forgot to add (that or I spaced when looking for it). It involves special options for reading/writing the Security […]

From the “I didn’t think I would ever say this” category…

by @ Monday, April 3rd, 2006. Filed under tech

Today I was looking over someone else’s code being used to set an Access Control Entry (ACE) on an Access Control List (ACL) in a Security Descriptor (SD). The main issue I ran into is that they didn’t understand the core basics of what you are setting on the ACEs. I started wondering, hmmm how […]

The end is nigh.

by @ Saturday, April 1st, 2006. Filed under general, house stuff, quotes, rants, recipes, tech, updates

As I spin down from yet another meaningless hectic month I have come to the conclusion that this simple country red-neck hick boy[1] has had enough. As much fun as it is to run around with your hair on fire and having no time to spend on exactly what you want to spend it on […]

So you say you have some extra MS PSS hours hanging about you need to spend…

by @ Friday, March 31st, 2006. Filed under tech

… spend them by bringing in Dean Wells to teach you and/or your staff. I must state up front that Dean is a good friend of mine but that just means I know how bright he is and how well he can present info. Don’t take my word for it though, go look at anyone […]

DEC Days 3 and 4 (Tuesday/Wednesday)

by @ Friday, March 31st, 2006. Filed under tech

The conference is over, I am back home, not able to sleep. So I pulled out the old laptop so I could finish up the blog entry I started earlier in the week (Wed in fact) so I will cover Tue and Wed instead of just Tuesday. So here I sit in bed with the […]

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